Better late than never. We forgot to put in our trip from Anchorage to Talkeetna.
The hotel dropped us off at the airport to pick up our car. As you can see Hector got involved as usual.We got him settled in the back seat and set off on our journey.
Our drive up from Anchorage to Talkeetna was fairly uneventful which is mainly due to the fact that there was little wildlife to spot along the edge of the road and almost nowhere to stop for refreshments. We did stop at a little lake for a break. This is us just turning into The Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge entrance drive
This is Hector soaking up the rays whilst we had a spot of lunch on the balcony of the Lodge. Denali was hiding in the clouds at this time.
Talkeetna Lodge.
We went on a walk along some of the tracks around the Lodge. That was our first encounter with the Alaskan mosquito and we hadn’t applied the Skin so Soft! They got us.
We encountered this Willow Ptarmigan which posed very nicely for us.
We also saw this lovely American Robin collecting flies for its brood.
Anchorage – Talkeetna
Talkeetna Posted on 2013-06-15 02:34:56- Comments(0)
Talkeetna Posted on 2013-06-11 02:15:19 Well, we are having another wonderful day. We keep thinking we can’t keep having “better” days but today, so far, has once again been exceptional. After breakfast overlooking the mountains, we drove into Talkeetna to find a thin shirt for Barbara and a sun hat for Fraser, neither of which we thought we would need. Hector seems to be coping ok with just his feathers although even he is feeling the heat at times.
At 12.30 we went on a 1hr.45min flightseeing tour of the mountains which was amazing (when you click the link, click “Map” in the top right of the map and select “Satellite” to get a better idea ot the terrain).Hector got so excited when he was allowed to help fly the plane.
When we landed on the Glacier he rolled around and made a snow angel.
It was so warm up there we were in short sleeves.
We have some great photos which you can see once we come home. (if we do!!!). The views up there were spectacular.
We have come back to the lodge for a cuppa and a quick blog after which we are going to get the courtesy bus back into Talkeetna and go to the “brewery” for our dinner. We already sampled some beer with a couple from USA
who were on the plane with us.
Hope you are all well and enjoying our blog now we are back in action. Talk soon.
Fraser, Barbara and Hector x
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