We spent the morning on a boat on a wild life cruise and then visiting the Mendenhall glacier. This was a later start as we didn’t have to be there until 08.30am. Again we had a great time. On the way out we came across a large pod of killer whales. Even the crew were excited as there is only a 10% chance of ever seeing these. We had a couple of showers whilst out but never when we were trying to film the wildlife, which was good. As you can see from the pics below we also saw sea lions and humpbacks. Once we got off the boat we were taken by bus to the glacier. Fraser and
I walked out to the waterfall and bottom of the glacier to get a closer
view. It was very dramatic. We were hoping to see a bear but none
appeared.When we got back we went back on board for lunch and to pick up Hector
for his Juneau adventure. He met a bear who looked very startled when a
duck sat on his head. We looked in a few of the shops before ending up in the Red Dog Saloon
where he had a great time. It was packed with people from cruise ships
as there were 4 of them berthed there today. There was a country and
western singer performing and a good time was had by all. Good beer as well. Hector was soon behind the bar helping out and you can see him checking up on Wyatt Earp’s pistol. Then it was back to the ship before sailing time and off to have dinner, of course.
Cruise day 4 Posted on 2013-06-10 16:43:08- Comments(1) https://alaska.cairntoul.net/?p=9
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Amazing glacier